| 1. | Only if we handle them with kid gloves . 只要我们小心行事就行了。
| 2. | I have three pairs of kid gloves . 我有三副羊皮手套了。
| 3. | Well, that was war, and only fools thought it could be waged with kid gloves on . 嘿,战争就是这样,只有傻瓜才会以为打起仗来还能那么温良恭让呢。
| 4. | Three pairs of three - quarter length , hermes glaces kid gloves 3双长袖小羊皮手套
| 5. | It needs kid gloves . you handle it as little as possible 下手要轻,越轻越好
| 6. | Three pairs of three - quarter length , hermes glaces kid gloves . . 3双长袖小羊皮手套
| 7. | Best thing to clean ladies kid gloves 最好拿它来洗妇女戴的羔羊皮手套。
| 8. | Don ' t treat those criminals with kid gloves 不要对那些罪犯心慈手软。
| 9. | He gets angry ever easily ; you must handle him with kid gloves 他动辄发脾气,你要小心地对付他。
| 10. | Mary is easily distressed . you ' ll have to handle her with kid gloves 玛丽动不动就伤心,你对待她得温和谨慎些。